New beginnings

Dr Emily Amos
Doctor, yoga and meditation teacher, and the force behind Whole Hearted Medicine.

Today marks the conclusion of a cycle of change for Whole Hearted Medicine as Dr Lucy Burns leaves Whole Hearted Medicine to practice what we preach and spend some more time focussing on her own self care and wellbeing as she continues her other endeavours. As much as I’ll miss her, I am so excited to continue to lead Whole Hearted Medicine in our mission to support and care for the health and wellbeing of doctors.

I am passionate about the wellbeing of doctors. Having burnt out myself, I completely understand the loneliness of that path and search for meaning and identity outside of medicine that it can trigger. I have dedicated my professional life to supporting other doctors to implement solid and holistic self care and wellbeing practices that nurture their bodies, minds and souls as well as create the space within themselves to thrive in a hugely demanding profession.

As a GP and registered yoga & meditation teacher I am an expert in interweaving not only the very important basics of evidence based mindfulness, self care and wellbeing, but also the more intangible and esoteric. I revel in helping doctors to connect with their core values and true self to once again discover what they truly love about practicing medicine. To re-ignite the flame of passion that drew us all to medicine in the first place and to help you to find balance between the ‘you’ who is a doctor and all other versions of yourself.

In an industry that doesn’t always prioritise doctors as people rather than commodities, my sole purpose is you. You are the reason that I do this work and helping you to prioritise your own health and wellbeing is both a joy and a privilege to me.

I am so excited about the future of Whole Hearted Medicine as we work to extend ripples of mindfulness and compassion through out all of healthcare. But the first ripple starts right here, with you and I. Let me show you what it feels like to be deeply and completely enveloped in support, care and collegiality on one of our amazing retreats. 2023 dates are now live, given that all 2022 retreat places have already sold out, I expect these to sell out very quickly!

With love & joy
